Management API Reference


Send Transactions

To request signatures or transactions from a connected wallet, you can either:

  • use the wallet's EIP-1193 provider to send JSON-RPC requests to the wallet directly.
  • pass the wallet to a library like viem, ethers, or wagmi.
  • for the embedded wallet specifically, create a transactionIntent from the backend and signMessage it with the embedded signer.

The guide below explains how to request signatures and transactions via the EIP-1193 provider directly.

The request method#

At a high-level, the EIP-1193 provider implements a method called request that accepts an object with the following fields:

  • method: the name of a JSON-RPC request to send to the wallet (e.g. personal_sign)
  • params: any parameters to include with the request You can use the request method to interface with the wallet per the instructions below. Get EIP-1193 provider via its getEthereumProvider method:

import openfort from "./openfortConfig"
// This example assumes you have already checked that Openfort 'embeddedState' is
// `ready` and the user is `authenticated`
const provider = openfort.getEthereumProvider();

Gas sponsorship#

Simply add a policy to the provider object to sponsor the gas for the transaction. Learn more about gas sponsorship in the sponsorship guide.


import openfort from "./openfortConfig"
// This example assumes you have already checked that Openfort 'embeddedState' is
// `ready` and the user is `authenticated`
const provider = await openfort.getEthereumProvider({
announceProvider: true,
policy: 'pol_...',


Then, using the provider's request method, send a eth_sendTransaction JSON-RPC to the wallet. In the params array, include as the first entry an object containing the transaction's parameters, such as to, value, data, gasLimit, maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas, and gasPrice.

const transactionRequest = {
to: '0xTheRecipientAddress',
value: 100000,
const transactionHash = await provider.request({
method: 'eth_sendTransaction',
params: [transactionRequest],

See these docs for the parameters that can be passed in eth_sendTransaction.

You do not need to specify from as we populate it from the user's connected wallet, and you can pass either a number, bigint, or a hexadecimal string into the value parameter.

If you've integrated Openfort with another web3 library, you can also use that library's syntax for requesting a transaction from the client-side:

EthersUse the signer's sendTransaction method.
WagmiUse the useSendTransaction hook.

Smart contracts#

Calling a smart contract is a special case of sending a transaction. To call a smart contract, you should send a transaction with the following parameters in the transaction request:

  • to: the address of the smart contract to call
  • data: any calldata to pass as part of the smart contract call
  • value: any value to send from the user's wallet to the smart contract To prepare the calldata for a smart contract interaction, we recommend using viem's encodeFunctionData method, like so:

import {encodeFunctionData} from 'viem';
const data = encodeFunctionData({
abi: insertYourContractAbiAsJson
functionName: 'insertTheNameOfTheMethodToCall'

You can then send a transaction from the wallet as normal, and pass the calldata in the data field of the transaction request:

const transactionRequest = {
to: '0xTheContractAddress',
data: data,
value: 100000, // Only necessary for payable methods
const transactionHash = await provider.request({
method: 'eth_sendTransaction',
params: [transactionRequest],
