Management API Reference


Sign messages with custodial wallets

This guide is for custodial smart accounts. If you are using non-custodial smart accounts, you should use the Sign Messages with Openfort's embedded signer.

Signing and verifying messages for smart accounts is different than with EOAs. There are a few reasons why:

  • With an EOA, the address is effectively the public key of the private key used for signing. Therefore, verifying a EOA signature is as simple as recovering the signature and compare the recovered public key with the address.

    • With a smart account, the address is the address of a smart contract that has no cryptographic link to the signing private key. Therefore, you must use ERC-1271 to validate the message.
  • With an EOA, you don't have to deploy the account. It just exists.

    • Since smart accounts need to be deployed, it may not be clear how you can validate messages against a smart account not yet deployed.

Signing messages#

To sign messages:


// Set your secret key. Remember to switch to your live secret key in production.
// See your keys here:
const Openfort = require('@openfort/openfort-node').default;
const openfort = new Openfort(YOUR_SECRET_KEY);
const _domain = {
name: "Openfort",
version: "0.5",
chainId: 13337,
verifyingContract: "0x9b5AB198e042fCF795E4a0Fa4269764A4E8037D2",
const types = {
Mail: [
{ name: "from", type: "Person" },
{ name: "to", type: "Person" },
{ name: "content", type: "string" },
Person: [
{ name: "name", type: "string" },
{ name: "wallet", type: "address" },
const mail = {
from: {
name: "Alice",
wallet: "0x2111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
to: {
name: "Bob",
wallet: "0x3111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
content: "Hello!",
const structHash = ethers.utils._TypedDataEncoder.hash(domain, types, mail);
const signature = await openfort.accounts.signPayload({
id: "acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b",
hash: structHash,
domain: domain
value: mail,
types: types,

Validating signatures#

You can validate signatures with ERC-1271. Here's an example with ethers:


const ethers = require("ethers");
async function verifySignature(hash, signature, address) {
let provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(providerUrl);
const ABI = {
inputs: [
internalType: "bytes32",
name: "_hash",
type: "bytes32",
internalType: "bytes",
name: "_signature",
type: "bytes",
name: "isValidSignature",
outputs: [
internalType: "bytes4",
name: "",
type: "bytes4",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
const iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(ABI);
const encodedDataDeposit = iface.encodeFunctionData("isValidSignature", [
const tx = {
to: address,
data: encodedDataDeposit,
return await;