
Embedded Signer

Custom Auth

If your game has a valid user login process, you can effortlessly initiate an embedded smart account for them, no matter the authentication method used.

This enhancement allows developers to:

  • Initiate embedded smart account for players using any standard authentication service. For instance, if your game requires players to log in with a username and password, you can now smoothly create wallets for them upon registration.
  • Connect with any social login platform. For instance, if you want to allow players in your game to log in using their Steam or Epic Games accounts, embedded wallets can now facilitate these login methods.
  • Implement embedded signer in backend environments. For instance, you could verify players' identities using SSH and then employ embedded wallets within CLI tools.
  • Develop fully customized login experiences. For instance, you could require players to confirm their identity using two-factor authentication or a passkey before deeming them authenticated and setting up wallets for them.

We offer two options to setup embedded wallets with custom auth, one that is based on the OIDC (Open ID Connect) standard, and a generic option that lets you bring your own auth server.

Custom Auth Methods#