Supabase Auth
Learn how to interact with Supabase
Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase. It provides a variety of tools and services to help with Postgres database, Authentication, instant APIs, Realtime, Functions, Storage and Vector embeddings.
Head to your Project Settings in the Supabase Console and grab your Project URL and anon API Key.
Set up your provider#
To set up Supabase to authenticate players with Openfort, visit your dashboard provider settings.
Client-side Integration#
_16import type { Provider } from "@supabase/supabase-js";_16import Openfort from "@openfort/openfort-js";_16_16const signInWithProvider = async (provider: Provider) => {_16 const supabase = createServerRouteClient();_16 const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.verifyOtp({_16 type,_16 token_hash,_16 });_16 const openfort = new Openfort({_16 baseConfiguration: {_16 publishableKey: OPENFORT_PUBLISHABLE_KEY_16 }_16 });_16 const authResponse = await openfort.authenticateWithThirdPartyProvider({provider:ThirdPartyOAuthProvider.SUPABASE, token:data.session?.access_token, tokenType: TokenType.CUSTOM_TOKEN});_16};
Uppon successful authentication, the SDK will return: