The implications of 3074 and 4337

Joan Alavedra
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With the recent approval of 3074 in the next Ethereum update we think it's now a good time to sit and think what are the short and long term implications for the "account abstraction".

  • ERC 3074: This proposal introduces a method to allow externally owned accounts (EOAs) to delegate their signing authority to smart contracts without transferring ETH or assets. It does this through two new opcodes, AUTH and AUTHCALL, that enable a contract to perform actions on behalf of a user, based on a signature provided by that user. This mechanism essentially allows one transaction to perform multiple steps, reducing transaction fees and improving user experience.

  • ERC 4337: This proposal suggests a more structured account abstraction that uses a new type of transaction called "UserOperation." This system involves several components, including "Bundlers" who package and execute these UserOp. It aims to create a more flexible framework where users can use different types of wallets (smart contract wallets) more seamlessly, potentially supporting multiple types of signatures and mitigating some of the limitations of current EOA-centric models.

ERC 3074 – Deeper Technical Insight

Technical Mechanism:

ERC 3074 introduces two new opcodes, AUTH and AUTHCALL, which allow contracts to perform actions on behalf of a user who provides a signature.

  • AUTH opcode takes a user's signature and recovers the address, temporarily authorizing the caller contract to act on behalf of the user.
  • AUTHCALL then allows the contract to make any call with the user's authority, including transferring tokens, interacting with other contracts, or performing any action the user could do themselves.

Use Case Scenarios:

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  • Transaction Batching: Users can sign a single message that authorizes a sequence of transactions. This is especially useful in DeFi applications where multiple token interactions might occur in a single session.
  • Meta-Transactions: Facilitates meta-transactions where users can interact with Ethereum without holding ETH for gas, as transaction fees could be paid by third parties.

Security Considerations:

  • A significant risk involves the potential for contracts (invokers) to misuse the broad powers granted by a user's signature. Ensuring that only trusted contracts have AUTH capabilities is critical. Any good wallet on the market will disallow signing AUTH from a dApp, problem solved.

Comparing 3074 with 4337

Complementarity vs. Competition

  • EOA users can now batch transactions and have their txs sponsored. People that don’t want to move to smart accounts at all or until they can keep their same address will continue to be EOA users and that’s fine.
  • EOA users can use proper smart accounts (eg existing 4337 accounts) and ppl will start to experiment with smart accounts more easily. If we do our job well, they’ll then move on to the final category.
  • Previous EOA users can now transform their EOA into a smart account. To do this, they can store their seed phrase somewhere safe and remove it from all wallets, meaning they can rely only on the auth of the smart account.
Aspect4337 – Building Implications3074 – Building Implications
Adoption ComplexityHigh - Requires adapting to new models for account and transaction management.Low - Easier to integrate with existing systems due to simpler changes.
Developer FocusDesigning applications that leverage complex account structures and potentially handle multiple types of cryptographic signatures.Implementing efficient transaction handling, such as batching operations or delegating transaction capabilities within existing account models.
Security ConcernsLight - Necessitating comprehensive security practices and audits, but ability to roatet a pk is key.Moderate - Mainly revolves around ensuring that invoker contracts are secure and only perform authorized actions. We need something like ERC-5003
Innovation OpportunitiesFacilitates new user interaction models and business cases, such as transaction sponsorship and advanced wallet features.Allows developers to create more efficient and user-friendly transaction processes, enhancing existing application functionalities.
User Experience ImpactCan significantly improve by abstracting away blockchain complexities, making dApps more accessible to non-technical users.Enhances user experience by reducing transaction costs and complexity, making existing dApps more efficient.
Long-term Strategic ValueHigh - Aims for a transformative change in Ethereum's interaction model, potentially setting new standards for future blockchain developments.Moderate - Provides immediate, tangible benefits but does not fundamentally change the underlying Ethereum architecture.
Collaboration RequirementsHigh - Requires working closely with other developers, wallet providers, and possibly infrastructure services to ensure ecosystem compatibility.Moderate - Primarily involves ensuring that the smart contracts (invokers) are robust and well-integrated with user interfaces.
Implementation TimelineLonger - Due to its complexity and the need for new infrastructure, it might take more time to implement and achieve widespread adoption.Shorter - Simpler modifications allow for quicker integration and testing, speeding up deployment and adoption.
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