
Charge a dynamic amount of ERC20 for gas payment

Learn how to charge dynamic amount of ERC20 tokens to pay for gas fees.

Charging (any) ERC-20 tokens you want as a form of payment for transactions (also supports stablecoins like USDC).

What you'll learn:#

  • How to charge ERC20 tokens to users to make a minting NFT transaction.

Select the contract you want to interact with

  • Add the collectible's smart contract.
  • Define the smart contract function you want to use. In our case 'mint'.

curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/contracts \
-d 'name=NFT Contract' \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'address=contract address'


Set up a Dynamic ERC20 Policy

  • Create s new policy and select the strategy "charge dynamic amount of ERC20".
  • Select the ERC20 Token Contract and the Exchange Rate.
  • Select imported contract and the function you want to sponsor.

If you want to update the dynamic rate programmatically, contact us


curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies \
-d 'name=My Policy' \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'strategy[sponsorSchema]=charge_custom_rate' \
-d 'strategy[tokenContract]=con_...' \
-d 'strategy[tokenContractAmount]=1'


curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/:id/policy_rules \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_SECRET_KEY" \
-d type="contract_functions" \
-d functionName="All functions" \
-d contract="con_..."


Create a gasless transaction

  • Add chainId
  • Add contract
  • Add policy
  • Add function you want to interact with

Note you can make a transaction happen without the need to have a registered user or account deployed at the time of interacting. Once you make the transaction a playerId and accountId will be created.


curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/transaction_intents \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'optimistic=true' \
-d 'policy=pol_...'
-d 'interactions[0][contract]=con_...' \
-d 'interactions[0][functionName]=mint' \
-d 'interactions[0][functionArgs][0]=sender address or Id'


Optional: Add the Account or Player you're using

  • Add account or add player

curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/transaction_intents \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'policy=pol_...' \
-d 'account=acc...' or 'player=pla...' \
-d 'optimistic=true' \
-d 'interactions[0][contract]=con_...' \
-d 'interactions[0][functionName]=mint' \
-d 'interactions[0][functionArgs][0]=sender address or Id'