
Connect to External Apps with WalletConnect

Learn how to connect your smart account with External Marketplaces using Openfort


In this sample, we'll dig into how to list your NFT to Opensea from your game using Openfort's Web3 Connections API features.

Web3Connections allows you to connect your in-game wallet to any application that supports WalletConnect like NFT marketplaces (e.g. OpenSea). The magic of this integration is that you don't need any third-party wallet SDK in the Unity client, as Openfort takes care of the wallet creation and connection to the NFT marketplace in a frictionless way.

We'll be using PlayFab as the backend service. PlayFab is a service operated by Microsoft for game developers, offering tools for live game management, all powered by Azure's cloud infrastructure.

By integrating the Openfort SDK into Azure Functions, we establish a seamless connection to PlayFab. Unity clients using the PlayFab Unity SDK can tap into these functions, accessing the full range of Openfort features within the game environment.

Application Workflow#



Set up Unity Client#

This Unity sample project is already equipped with:

To begin, open unity-client with Unity:

Configure PlayFab SDK

  • Navigate to the Project tab.
  • Search for PlayFabSharedSettings and input your PlayFab Title ID:

Test in Editor#

Play the Login scene, opt for Register, provide an email and password, and then click Register*** again. This scene should appear:


Select Mint. After a brief period, you should see a representation of your newly minted NFT:


In the Openfort Players dashboard, a new player entry should be visible. On selecting this player:


You'll notice that a mint transaction has been successfully processed:


Additionally, by choosing your Sepolia Account and viewing NFT Transfers, the transaction is further confirmed:


In Unity, click on List NFTs:


Go to OpenSea and choose Login:


Then select WalletConnect and click on the icon to copy the connection URL:


Back to Unity, paste the URL and choose Create:


In OpenSea, a welcome panel will pop up. Choose Accept and sign:


Go to your profile and you will find your NFT. Choose List for sale:


Set a price and a duration and choose Complete listing:


As your first NFT collection, you will need to approve it:


Back in Unity, select Approve:


After a few seconds OpenSea will let you know the collection approval has been successful:


Now go back to Unity and Approve the listing:


Finally, in OpenSea you will see the confirmation of your listing:



Upon completing the above steps, your Unity game will be fully integrated with Openfort and PlayFab, and able to list your NFTs to a marketplace directly from your game. Always remember to test every feature before deploying to guarantee a flawless player experience.

For a deeper understanding of the underlying processes, check out the tutorial video.