
How billing works

Learn how organzation-based billing works in Openfort.

Our goal at Openfort is to provide a predictable billing system that grows with your project.

How billing is organized#

The Openfort Platform has "projects". A user can be a member of multiple projects. For example:

  • User 1
    • Project 1 (Smart Accounts, Auth, Payments)
    • Project 2 (Smart Accounts, Auth, Payments)
  • User 2
    • Project 3 (Smart Accounts, Auth, Payments)

Billing system#

Project-based Billing#

Each project has an individual subscription, a plan and addons. For example, Project 1 could be on the Pro plan and Project 2 could be on the Free pla.

Credit Balance

Credit balance (Prepaid)#

Each project has a credit balance. The credit balance is used to pay for the project's gas sponsorship. Given that each proct supports all chains, the credit balance is shared across all chains.

You can monitor the gas report spending in by visiting the policy page.

Policy Gas Reports


Do you only support the prepaid option?

No, we also support the postpaid option. Please contact us for more information at joan@openfort.xyx.

What happens if my balance reaches 0?

Gas sponsorship will be disabled for your project. You can top up your balance to enable it again. If you want more flexible billing options, please contact us at joan@openfort.xyz, where we can enable a buffer for your project.