Openfort's smart contracts are open source. Moreover, Openfort is buit on public goods infrastructure like the ERC-4337 or ERC-6551 standards. We choose open source tools which are scalable and make them simple to use.
Openfort is not a 1-to-1 mapping of any wallet solution you've seen. While we offer many of the features that other solutions have, we go much further than anyone else because: (1) We're based on smart accounts not EOAs, and (2) we build the server stack so you don't have to worry about the reliability of the infrastructure.
Openfort consists of modules that allow you to plug-and-play the tools to achieve your success.
Our infrastructure orchestrates everything under the hood to make the development and maintenance easy. The 4 key components we take care of are:
- Smart accounts: We offer optimized and diverse set of smart accounts to fit your needs. Types of smart accounts.
- Embedded Signers: Signers create non-custodial wallets for your users. Embedded wallet.
- Bundlers/RPCs: We built a Meta Bundler Network to ensure reliable access to the blockchain. If one fails, another takes over.
- Paymasters: We built the most customizable paymasters to configure granular rate limits and policies for gas sponsoring, through either our API or dashboard.
- Backend wallets: These are externally-owned accounts to be used internally to manage the projects flows and experience. They can execute logic like escrow for competition or sending a minted asset to a user after winning a competition.

Our goal at Openfort is to make all of smart accounts easy to use and invisible to the user. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy all the benefits of it. If you're a app developer, you'll probably be familiar with the integrations we offer. If you're a blockchain developer it means you'll probably be able to use every inch of features and benefits we offer. In either scenario Openfort helps you build you weekend hackathon or your ambitious AAA game.