Management API Reference

Smart wallets

Requesting signatures and transactions

To use smart wallets, you could use the EIP1193 provider or use a backend. This guide teaches how to make different requests to the smart wallet with the backend and Unity (it's easier to do so in the context of gaming because no need to encode transactions with Unity).

Sign message#

To sign message with the smart wallet simply call the Openfort's signMessage or signTypedData method like so:

SignMessageRequest signMessageRequest = new SignMessageRequest("Hello World!");
string signature = await openfort.SignMessage(signMessageRequest);


1. Create a transaction- Server side#

Create a request to your backend to create a transaction. In the body of the request:

  • Include the player that signs the transaction.
  • Include the policy that interacts with the contract for gas. If non-existent the user will need to have gas tokens.
  • Include optimistic if you want the transactions to be confirmed faster.

Depending on the type of transaction you're creating you'll define interactions. The interactions field is an array of objects that contain the information of the contract to interact with, the function to call, and the arguments to pass to the function.

  • the interactions field contains the contract that has previously been added to Openfort.
  • the functionName defines the function to call from within the contract.
  • If there exist more than one function with the same name, the functionArgs will be used to determine which function to call.

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_SECRET_KEY" \
-d player="pla_..." \
-d policy="pol_..." \
-d chainId=80002 \
-d optimistic=true \
-d "interactions[0][contract]"="con_..." \
-d "interactions[0][functionName]"="mint" \
-d "interactions[0][functionArgs][0]"="0x63B7...484f"

2. Sign the transaction with the embedded signer. - Client side#

Use the nextAction returned by the backend to sign the transaction with the embedded signer.

The transaction will be automatically signed and broadcasted by using the sendSignatureTransactionIntentRequest method.

private async void Mint() {
// your backend that creates a mint request
var webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post("", "");
webRequest.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + AccessToken);
webRequest.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
webRequest.SetRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
await SendWebRequestAsync(webRequest);
Debug.Log("Mint request sent");
if (webRequest.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success) {
Debug.Log("Mint Failed: " + webRequest.error);
var responseText = webRequest.downloadHandler.text;
Debug.Log("Mint Response: " + responseText);
var responseJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject < RootObject > (responseText);
var id = responseJson.Data.Id;
if (responseJson.Data.NextAction == null) {
Debug.Log("No Next Action");
var nextAction = responseJson.Data.NextAction.Payload.UserOpHash;
Debug.Log("Next Action: " + nextAction);
// This example assumes you have already checked that Openfort 'embeddedState' is
// `ready` and the user is `authenticated`
var intentResponse = await Openfort.SendSignatureTransactionIntentRequest(id, nextAction);
Debug.Log("Intent Response: " + intentResponse);
private Task SendWebRequestAsync(UnityWebRequest webRequest) {
TaskCompletionSource < bool > tcs = new TaskCompletionSource < bool > ();
webRequest.SendWebRequest().completed += _ => {
switch (webRequest.result) {
case UnityWebRequest.Result.Success:
tcs.SetException(new Exception(webRequest.error));
return tcs.Task;
