Management API Reference

Embedded wallets

Create and recover signers

Learn how to configure and use embedded wallets in your Unity game

There are two essential steps to configure Openfort's embedded wallets in your Unity application:

  1. Configure the embedded signer
  2. Wait for the embedded signer to be ready

Embedded Signer Configuration#

The Openfort SDK provides methods to configure a non-custodial embedded signer for blockchain interactions and transaction signing in your Unity game.

Here's how to implement the configuration:

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Openfort.OpenfortSDK;
using Openfort.OpenfortSDK.Model;
public class OpenfortManager : MonoBehaviour
private OpenfortSDK openfort;
private async void Start()
openfort = await OpenfortSDK.Init("YOUR_OPENFORT_PUBLISHABLE_KEY");
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError($"Initialization error: {e.Message}");
public async Task ConfigureEmbeddedWallet(string authToken, string password = null)
int chainId = 80002; // Polygon Amoy testnet
// Create shield authentication configuration
var shieldAuth = new ShieldAuthentication(
ShieldAuthType.Openfort, // or ShieldAuthType.Custom for third-party auth
// Create the embedded signer request
var request = new EmbeddedSignerRequest(
password // Optional: for user-based recovery
// Configure the embedded signer
await openfort.ConfigureEmbeddedSigner(request);
Debug.Log("Embedded signer configured successfully");
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError($"Configuration error: {e.Message}");

Configuration Parameters#

The EmbeddedSignerRequest takes the following parameters:

chainIdThe blockchain network identifier. See supported chains
shieldAuthAuthentication configuration including auth type and token
passwordOptional: Recovery password for user-based recovery

The ShieldAuthentication configuration includes:

authEither ShieldAuthType.Openfort or ShieldAuthType.Custom
tokenThe access or ID token for user verification

Checking Embedded Signer State#

The embedded signer goes through several states during initialization. It's crucial to wait for the proper state before using the signer.

Embedded States#

NONE0Initial SDK state
UNAUTHENTICATED1Before user authentication
EMBEDDED_SIGNER_NOT_CONFIGURED2Before signer configuration
CREATING_ACCOUNT3Creating new account for chainID
READY4Signer ready for use

Here's how to check the embedded signer state:

public class OpenfortManager : MonoBehaviour
private OpenfortSDK openfort;
public async UniTask<EmbeddedState> GetEmbeddedState()
return await GetOpenfortImpl().GetEmbeddedState();