Management API Reference


Using backend wallets

Create wallet#

Backend wallets can be created through our dashboard or API. You can either create a new wallet or add an existing one.

Using the Dashboard#

Navigate to the Openfort dashboard and create a new developer account.

Using the API#

You can create or add developer accounts through our API:

const Openfort = require('@openfort/openfort-node').default;
const openfort = new Openfort(YOUR_SECRET_KEY);
const settings = await openfort.settings.createDeveloperAccount()


To execute a transaction from your backend wallet:

const Openfort = require('@openfort/openfort-node').default;
const openfort = new Openfort(YOUR_SECRET_KEY);
const transactionintents = await openfort.transactionIntents.create({
account: 'dac_...', // Your backend wallet ID
chainId: 80002,
policy: 'pol_...', // Optional: Policy ID for gas sponsorship
optimistic: true,
interactions: {
contract: 'con_....',
functionName: 'transfer',
functionArgs: ['recipient_address', 'amount']

For gas sponsorship, make sure to set up appropriate policies with account_functions rules. Learn more about creating policy sponsors.

Checking transaction status#

You can monitor the status of transactions through our webhook system or by querying the API:

const transactionIntent = await openfort.transactionIntents.retrieve('tin_...');


To keep your application in sync with blockchain events, Openfort provides webhooks for various events including transaction status changes and asset transfers.


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