Management API Reference

Ecosystem wallet

Batch transactions

Smart Wallet enables you to send multiple onchain calls in a single transaction, improving UX by reducing multi-step interactions to a single click. A common example is combining an ERC-20 approve with a swap operation.

You can submit batch transactions using the new wallet_sendCalls RPC method.


Check wallet compatibility for atomic batching

  • First, verify if your app supports atomic batching (This step is crucial if your app supports multiple wallet types)
  • Use the useCapabilities hook from Wagmi experimental features
  • Implement fallback functionality for unsupported wallets

Note: The useWriteContracts and useCapabilities hooks rely on new wallet RPC and may not be supported in all wallets.


import { useCapabilities } from 'wagmi/experimental'
function App() {
const { data: capabilities } = useCapabilities()
// Returns capability object per chain:
// {
// 84532: {
// atomicBatch: {
// supported: true,
// },
// }
// }
// Check if atomic batching is supported
const isAtomicBatchSupported = capabilities?.[84532]?.atomicBatch?.supported
return (
{isAtomicBatchSupported ? (
<BatchTransactionComponent />
) : (
<FallbackComponent />


Set up contract interactions

  • Import required hooks: useAccount and useWriteContracts from Wagmi
  • Define your smart contract ABI
  • Initialize the useWriteContracts hook for batch transactions
  • Create a transaction handling function that can process multiple contract calls

Important: Make sure your contract ABIs are correctly typed for better development experience.


import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
import { useWriteContracts } from 'wagmi/experimental'
// Define your contract ABI
const abi = [
stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
type: 'function',
inputs: [{ name: 'to', type: 'address' }],
name: 'safeMint',
outputs: [],
] as const
function BatchTransactionComponent() {
const account = useAccount()
const { writeContracts } = useWriteContracts()
const handleBatchTransaction = () => {
contracts: [
address: "0x119Ea671030FBf79AB93b436D2E20af6ea469a19",
functionName: "safeMint",
args: [account.address],
// Add more contract interactions as needed
address: "0x119Ea671030FBf79AB93b436D2E20af6ea469a19",
functionName: "safeMint",
args: [account.address],
return (
className="px-4 py-2 bg-blue-600 text-white rounded"
Execute Batch Transaction


Implement transaction status monitoring

  • Add the useCallsStatus hook to track transaction status
  • Configure polling interval for status updates
  • Display transaction status to users
  • Handle transaction completion and errors

Pro tip: The polling interval can be adjusted based on your needs, but 1 second is a good default.


import { useCallsStatus } from 'wagmi/experimental'
function BatchTransactionComponent() {
const { data: id, writeContracts } = useWriteContracts()
const { data: callsStatus } = useCallsStatus({
id: id as string,
query: {
enabled: !!id,
// Poll every second until confirmed
refetchInterval: (data) =>
_57 === "CONFIRMED" ? false : 1000,
// Example response structure:
// {
// status: 'CONFIRMED',
// receipts: [
// {
// logs: [{
// address: '0x...',
// topics: ['0x...'],
// data: '0x...'
// }],
// status: 'success',
// blockHash: '0x...',
// blockNumber: 122414523n,
// gasUsed: 390000n,
// transactionHash: '0x...'
// }
// ]
// }
return (
<div className="space-y-4">
className="px-4 py-2 bg-blue-600 text-white rounded"
Execute Batch Transaction
{callsStatus && (
<div className="p-4 border rounded">
<p className="font-semibold">
Status: {callsStatus.status}
{callsStatus.status === 'CONFIRMED' && (
<p className="text-green-600">
Transaction confirmed! Hash: {callsStatus.receipts[0].transactionHash}