Management API Reference


Custom OIDC compatible Auth

Learn how to setup your custom OIDC compatible auth

OIDC authentication setup is a viable choice when leveraging an external authentication provider such as Auth0, Cognito, etc., that offers JWK publication for token authenticity verification.

An OIDC authentication framework employs a public-private key pair, utilizing the private key to sign authentication tokens. The public key is made accessible via a public URL in JWKS format, typically found at https://{domain}.com/.well-known/jwks.json. When a user logs in, an idToken, a JWT, is produced and signed with the private key, following OIDC specifications for token field requirements. This JWT is then used within the embedded signer to create a user wallet.

The verification of the JWT against the public key confirms its authenticity, allowing wallet generation based on the subject (user identifier) within the idToken.

Input Requirements:

  • JWKS File URL (public key): Validates the token's authentic signature.
  • idToken's aud value: Confirms that the intended recipient of the token is correct.

Authenticating Users with OIDC-Compatible Authentication#

Set up your provider#

To set up your OIDC Authentication with Openfort, visit your dashboard provider settings.

oidc auth